Apliko https://www.apliko.info Suksese Tue, 01 Sep 2020 16:16:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://i0.wp.com/www.apliko.info/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/cropped-apliko-infologo.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Apliko https://www.apliko.info 32 32 133626245 Работник во магацин https://www.apliko.info/%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%b1%d0%be%d1%82%d0%bd%d0%b8%d0%ba-%d0%b2%d0%be-%d0%bc%d0%b0%d0%b3%d0%b0%d1%86%d0%b8%d0%bd/ Tue, 01 Sep 2020 16:15:30 +0000 https://www.apliko.info/?p=1476

Вивакс е македонска компанија која постои повеќе од 26 години и брои повеќе од 110 вработени. Постојаното вложување во модернизација на производствените процеси, ја прават една од најуспешните компании на Балканот, во полето на производство на овошни сокови.

Секој напредок и достигнат успех на компанијата е резултат на успешното функционирање на целиот тим, желбата за заедничка работа и позитивната енергија.


Одговорности и задачи:

  • Извршува прием, истовар и сместување на репроматеријали, суровини и други производи за потребите на производниот процес.
  • Врши подготовка на стоката (готов производ) и товарење.
  • Врши други работи што ќе му бидат доверени од страна на одговорниот за магацин и експедиција.

Потребни квалификации:

  • ССС.
  • Со или без работно искуство.
  • Познавање на работа со компјутер.

Од кандидатот очекуваме:

  • Способност за работа во тим.
  • Самоиницијативност, исполнителност и чесност.
  • Организираност и одговорност.
  • Способност за извршување на работни задачи, врзани со рокови.

Ви нудиме:

  • Можност за напредување во работата.
  • Обезбеден оброк.
  • Работа во пријатна и позитивна атмосфера.

 Сите заинтересирани кандидати нека испратат свое CV со фотографија не постара од 6 (шест) месеци и мотивационо писмо на e-mail: vrabotuvanje@vivaks.com.mk со задолжителна назнака “РАБОТНИК ВО МАГАЦИН’’. Конкурсот е отворен 10 работни денови од неговото објавување (од 01.09.2020 до 15.09.2020).

Neptun Shites – Tetove (Maqedoni) https://www.apliko.info/neptun-shites-tetove-maqedoni/ Wed, 31 Jan 2018 09:39:52 +0000 https://www.apliko.info/?p=1469


Поради проширување на продажниот тим, распишува оглас за вработување на:

Со место на вршење на работните задачи во Тетово– 1 позиција

Потребно образование, работно искуство, квалификации и вештини:

  • • ССС;
  • • Поседување на вештини за продажба;
  • • Претходно работно искуство во продажба на бела техника, ИТ, ТВ, аудио и видео опрема ќе се смета за предност;
  • • Познавање на работа со компјутер, MS Office, Internet Explorer;
  • • Познавање на работа со компјутер, MS Office, Internet Explorer;
  • • Пожелно е поседување на возачка дозвола Б категорија;
  • • Познавањето на албанскиот и англискиот јазик ќе се смета за предност;

Одговорности и работни задачи:

  • • Услужување на купувачите и продажба на бела техника, ИТ, ТВ, аудио и видео опрема;
  • • Работа со документи поврзани со секојдневното функционирање на продажниот салон;
  • • Континуирано учење на техничките карактеристики на производите за продажба;
  • • Други работни задачи поврзани со секојдневното функционирање на продажниот салон.

Што нудиме?

  • • Одлични услови за работа во средина со амбициозен и професионален тим;
  • • Континуирана обука и можност за напредување;
  • • Платена пробна работа во времетраење од 1 месец;
  • • Предвидена редовна плата од 16.482,00 денари и можност за остварување на дополнителен продажен бонус и наградувања;
  • • Работа во смени, вкупно 40 часа неделно;понеделник – сабота

Доколку сте заинтересирани за работната позиција, а воедно го поседувате потребното образование, работно искуство, квалификации, вештини и личен профил за успешно извршување на работните задачи на работното место, испратете ја Вашата кратка биографија на e-mail: vrabotuvanje@neptun.mk, со назнака: “Оглас за продавач во Тетово”.

Огласот е активен до 11.02.2018година

Општи правила за аплицирање:

  • • Именување на документ за аплицирање – CV (име и презиме на апликантот)
  • • Назнака на позицијата за која се аплицира
  • • Согласно Законот за заштита на лични податоци Ве молиме во текстот на е-поштата да наведете дали прифаќате Вашите податоци да се чуваат во збирката за идни вработувања во НЕПТУН МАКЕДОНИЈА или сакате Вашите лични податоци да бидат уништени по истекот на активниот оглас. Доколку нема никаква напомена од Ваша страна, податоците ќе бидат уништени.

Finansiska Policija – Skopje https://www.apliko.info/finansiska-policija-skopje/ Thu, 14 Dec 2017 09:43:59 +0000 https://www.apliko.info/?p=1442

ПЛАТИ до 40.800 денари: Оглас за вработување во Управата за финансиска полиција
Врз основа на член 37, 38 и 39 од Законот за финансиска полиција Службен Весник на Република Македонија” бр. 12/14 43/14 33/15 и 27/16 член 22 и 23 од Законотза работните односи Службен Весник на Република Македонија” бр. 62/05 39/12), член 17 од Законот за извршување на Буџетот на Република Македонија за 2017 година Службен Весник на Република Македонија” бр 191/1 6). Комисијата за спроведување на постапка за вработување при Министерство за финансии Управа за финансиска полиција објавува


за вработување во Управата за финансиска полиција Управата за финансиска полиција има потреба од вработување на неопределено време со полно работно време на 3 извршители за следните работни места:

1. Финансиски полицаец Раководител на одделение главен инспектор за компјутерски криминал и дигитална форензика шифра ФИН 02 08 АОЗ 001: Еден (1) извршител кој треба да има завршено VII/1 степен на стручна подготовка од областа на Компјутерска техника и информатика, Електротехника, Информатика и за нивото АЗ потребно е најмалку пет години работно искуство во струката, со основна плата во нето износ од 40.839,00 денари.

2. Финаисиски полицаец Самостоен инспекгор за привремено одземање и вештачење на компјутерски системи шифра ФИН 02 08 Б01 001 Еден (1 извршител кој треба да има завршено VII/1 степен на стручна подготовка од областа на Компјутерска техника и информатика, Електротехника, Информатика и за нивото Б1 потребно е најмалку три години работно искуство во струката, со основна плата во нето износ од 37.215,00 денари.

3. Финансиски полицаец Виш инспектор за компјутерски криминал и дигитална фореизика шифра ФИН 02 08 Б02 001: Еден (1 извршител кој треба да има завршено VII/1 степен на стручна подготовка од областа на Компјутерска техника и информатика, Електротехника, Информатика и за нивото Б2 потребно е најмалку три години работно искуство во струката, со основна плата во нето износ од 34.534,00 денари.

Финансиски полицаец може да биде лице кое покрај општите услови утврдени со Закон за работни односи треба ги исполнува следниве услови согласно Законот за финансиска полиција:

  • државјанин на Република Македонија;
  • психофизички здраво( способно лице) и со предиспозиции за вршење на работите на финансиски полицаец;
  • ниво на квалификации VI A според националната рамка на високообразовните квалификации, најмалку 240 кредити според ЕКТС или завршен VII/1 степен од областа Компјутерска техника и информатика, Електротехника, Информатика
  • активно познавање на компјутерски програми за канцелариско работење;
  • познавање на англиски јазик преку поседување на уверение од меѓународно признат сертификат издаден од официјален европски тестатор, член на здружението AJITE на европските тестатори на ниво Б2, нивото на CEFR односно ИЕЈ1ТС со 5-6 бода, ФЦЕ, БЕК В, ИЛЕК, ИКФЕ, БУЛАТС или ТОЕФИЛ ПБТ најмалку 500 бода, ТОЕФИЛ ЦБТ најмалку 175 бода или ТОЕФИЛ ИБТ најмалку 60 бода, не постар од 5 години;
    Заинтересираните кандидати потребно е да достават:

  • уверение за државјанство на РМ;
  • лична биографија CV) не поголема од 5
  • страни, со задолжително наведен контакт телефон и адреса;
  • мотивационо писмо од најмногу 500 зборови;
  • диплома За завршено образование;
  • доказ за англиски јазик, согласно бараните сертификати;
  • доказ за познавање на компјутерски вештини.

Горенаведените документи потребно е Да се достават во оригинал или копија заверена на нотар.
Пријавите со потребните документи да се достават до Архивата на Управата за финансиска полиција или преку пошта на следната адреса:

Управа за финансиска полиција
Ул. Кеј Димитар Влахов бр. 4 кат 4. 1000 Скопје со назнака: за “ЈАВЕН ОГЛАС БР: 01/2017”

Рокот за доставување на пријавите изнесува седум 7 работни дена, сметано од денот на објавување на огласот во дневниот печат, односно најдоцна до: 21. 12. 2017 година.

Ненавремена, нецелосна и неуредна документација нема да биде предмет на разгледување од страна на Комисијата за вработување во Управата за финансиска полиција.

По извршената селекција на пријавените кандидати кои доставиле уредни пријави за работното место, ќе биде спроведено интервју во просториите на Управата за финансиска полиција.

Управата за финансиска полиција ќе изврши избор во рок согласно со член 39 од Законот за финансиска полиција.

Почетокот и завршетокот на дневното и неделното работно време за сите огласени работни места е утврден од 08:30 до 16:30 часот, од понеделник до петок.

Комисија за спроведување на постапка за вработување

InPlayer German Speaking Customer Service Representative https://www.apliko.info/inplayer-german-speaking-customer-service-representative/ Fri, 08 Dec 2017 19:11:07 +0000 https://www.apliko.info/?p=1436

InPlayer’s monetisation platform has helped manage and distribute videos and digital assets of some of the world’s leading media companies. We pride ourselves in being at forefront of paywall technology and have high growth ambitions for the coming year. We are working on some exciting projects and we are looking for talented people to meet and exceed the challenges we face. If you’re an intelligent, self-motivated person and like to work in a startup environment, read on

As a Customer Service Representative, you will be:

  • Delivering 24/7 support for our customers in terms of providing product and service information, quickly resolving product and service problems in English and German
  • Providing feedback about customers requests, suggestions, and pains, so we can improve our customer experience
  • Working in shifts, including nights and weekends and this will be on a rolling basis

Were looking for:

  • Excellent written and spoken English, with outstanding communications skills
  • High level of fluency in written and spoken German
  • Tech savvy person
  • Quick learner
  • Detail-oriented, resourceful, and self-motivated mindset. You get stuff done!

Bonus points if you have:

  • Experience in a similar role (customer service, account management, etc.)

What’s in it for you:

  • Be a part of a vibrant and highly motivated team
  • Friday company lunches, endless snack supply, variety of drinks available at all times
  • The opportunity to learn and grow with office knowledge sharing sessions and participation in conferences
  • A great working atmosphere and regular company and team events, holiday celebrations, parties, happy hours and many other fun activities
  • A competitive market compensation and private medical insurance
  • Awesome office space in Skopje within walking distance to shops, bars, restaurants and more.

How to apply
Send us your application together with CV and other information that states how perfect you are for this job. We’d love to get your application as soon as possible since we tend to fill vacancies as soon as we find the right person. Apply on Company Website

Wizzair Cabin Crew – Skopje base https://www.apliko.info/wizzair-cabin-crew-skopje-base/ Fri, 08 Dec 2017 19:02:58 +0000 https://www.apliko.info/?p=1432 Wizzair Cabin Crew: Skopje base

We are searching for cheerful, energetic and positive candidates

Cabin Crew key responsibilities:

  • Proper execution of the duties related to the safety of the aircraft (A320/A321) and the passengers
  • Maintain excellent customer service and creating “home atmosphere” on-board of the aircraft
  • Assist passengers who require special attention
  • Sales on-board, and cash handling
  • Punctuality and flexibility
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Keep the aircraft clean and tidy during the flight
  • Be adequately rested and properly groomed in order to conduct a flight
  • Performance of all the duties maintaining consistently the highest ethical standards


  • Minimum age: 18 years
  • Minimum height for ladies 1.65m and for gentleman 1.75m
  • Arm reach of 210cm while standing on tiptoes
  • Minimum high school degree
  • Fluent English both written and spoken, additional CEE language knowledge (either Romanian, Bulgarian, Polish, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Slovak, Czech, Macedonian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Georgian, or Bosnian)
  • Valid passport without limitations (minimum 6 months)
  • Tattoos and piercing are acceptable provided they appear on parts of the body that are not visible when wearing uniform.
  • Ability to swim
  • Live or ready to move within 60 minutes of your chosen base and prepared to make this journey every day, at any time of the day
  • Customer service experience will be an advantage
  • Please note that if you wear glasses or contact lenses and your prescription are above +4 or below -4 you are likely to fail the mandatory medical examination

Company offer:

  • Competitive salary
  • Stable job in rapidly developing company
  • Friendly and multicultural work environment
  • Career opportunities
  • Complete and free Cabin Crew training
  • Employees and their families and friends have the opportunity to travel with discounted rates and on bonus airline tickets
  • Colorful lifestyle
  • Work is according to a duty roster (schedule) published monthly

If you would like to join the dynamic team of Wizz Air, please apply here, and attach your CV in English with a photo, and please fill in and attach our cabin crew application form, which can be downloaded here

Apply on company website

Parsons – Document Controller – WER 9 https://www.apliko.info/parsons-document-controller-wer-9/ Sat, 02 Dec 2017 17:26:45 +0000 https://www.apliko.info/?p=1425

Parsons – Document Controller – WER 9

Under general supervision performs a variety of document control functions for a project or department. Coordinates the flow of documents between project operations, engineering disciplines, construction team, or other department groups. Incumbent may be responsible for a small-sized project.

Will have knowledge of both the work processes of document control and also the use of electronic systems used to manage documentation.

Specific Responsibilities Processes one or more document types through all procedural steps in accordance with well-defined procedures and guidelines. Ensures that pre-established document control requirements (e.g., which document numbering system will be used; how many and which signatures will be required for certain approvals, etc.) are satisfactorily met throughout the duration of the project.

Receives, tracks, and monitors documents using standard document management programs to register documents, maintain databases, and produces logs, transmittals, and other reports as required. Enters data and produces reports using other standard office automation or department-specific computer applications

Scans documents for electronic storage.

Maintains an established data distribution system and schedule for the assigned project based upon client, project, department, and supplier requirements. Expedites review, signature approval, and release of supplier and internally produced documents.

May perform some clerical duties such as light typing, filing, answering phones, messenger service, etc.

Assists junior document control staff to ensure effective implementation of project-specific procedures.

Performs Other Duties Commensurate With Functional Level And Responsibilities Contributes as a team player who is deadline driven and works well with others.

Job Construction

Primary Location Saudi Arabia-Ras Al Khair

Preferred Education/Experience Relevant degree with 10 years of relevant work experience in document control.

Skills/Competencies Proficient keyboard skills and a working knowledge of MS Windows and related word processing, spreadsheet, and database software is required. Assignments will require a working knowledge of Electronic Document Management Systems. Good written and oral communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills, as well as a demonstrated ability to interact effectively with project personnel and management.

Apply on Comapny Website 


Societe Generale: Senior Specialist, Marketing Department https://www.apliko.info/societe-generale-senior-specialist-marketing-department/ Sat, 02 Dec 2017 17:17:00 +0000 https://www.apliko.info/?p=1421

Societe Generale: Senior Specialist, Marketing Department

Main qualifications

  • University degree in Economics, preferably major in Marketing or Business Administration.
  • At least 4 years experience in Marketing (marketing agencies, mass communication, retail marketing, creative, Social & Digital Media, event organizing, PR)
  • Knowledge on Media, ROMI, audience data, massive communication principles, innovation and technology.
  • Able on the daily intensive communication with external and internal parties, and to have some experience in project management.
  • Capable in working alone, yet at the same time to contribute in team projects and tasks.
  • This position requires travelling inside and outside country, and work overtime when needed
  • Able on solving complex situations and take analytic decision based on arguments. To be led always by the set objective and to contribute in the improvement of departmental objectives.
  • Very good time organization and share, in order to realize on time the big working volume
  • Skills in M/Office, and Social Media, as well as Digital Marketing, above average
  • Fluent English (written and spoken)
  • Knowledge of bank products
  • Driving license (B Class)

Main duties and responsibilities

  • Supports the department in the development of campaigns and supporting materials in collaboration with other departments
  • Sets up and monitor the management of the bank in Social & Digital Media
  • Propose innovative ideas and solutions for smart marketing communication
  • In charge to monitor the competition in terms of strategy and communication
  • To prepare, plan and support to the organization of events and public relations activities
  • In charge to maintain high standards of quality in terms of external communication
  • To supervise the sponsorships requests
  • To maintain the updated marketing budget and report in extraordinary events
  • To assure good relation with internal and external partners

Apply on Company Website


Tricode: Frontend Developer https://www.apliko.info/tricode-frontend-developer/ Sat, 02 Dec 2017 17:07:40 +0000 https://www.apliko.info/?p=1417

Tricode provides services for building and managing web applications: from a website, intranet or (mobile) application through to technically complex e-commerce applications that seamlessly integrate with back office systems. We are developing stable, secure and scalable software applications with Java, Adobe Experience Manager, Intershop and Magnolia in the field of digital marketing and online client interaction for various European clients.

What will you do?In our technically challenging environment, you will work on e-commerce projects and CMS implementations. Together with your colleagues, you will work in a scrum team that performs CMS implementations and you will be responsible for all the frontend development.

We’re looking for developers with the following qualities:

  • Creative.You implement and/or build further on existing CMS frameworks. Your creative effort is essential
  • Eager to learn. Your frontend code will integrate with our customers’ back-end systems. Every day is a learning experience
  • Point of contact for customer.You advise our customers and inventory their specific wishes

Where will you work?

You will work at Tricode in an open and informal atmosphere. We offer you a training plan that will allow you to take the next step in your development. ‘Working hard’ also means ‘relaxing hard’ – so we regularly organise challenging outings for all the colleagues.

  • As a Frontend Developer, you have:
  • University level
  • A minimum of three years as a Frontend Developer.
  • Experience with HTML, CSS, Javascript. Bootstrap is a pre
  • Preferably experience with one or more Javascriptframeworks like JQuery, Angular JS, Node JS
  • You know how to make a responsive website
  • Experience with working in a Java environment.
  • A good command of English.

Apply on Company Website


Frontwisegroup – Recruitment Consultant https://www.apliko.info/frontwisegroup-recruitment-consultant/ Sat, 02 Dec 2017 16:59:59 +0000 https://www.apliko.info/?p=1413

What is a recruiter?

  • A Recruiter or Talent Acquisition Specialist is responsible for full cycle recruitment, including: sourcing, attracting, interviewing and onboarding employees for clients that can be companies, HR business partners and hiring managers.

What are your responsibilities?

  • Search, approach and attract top talent
  • Screen and select candidates
  • Build and maintain talent pools
  • Advise on job descriptions and processes
  • Use social and proffessional networking to identify and source candidates

What is required?

  • excellent communication skills
  • 0-6 years of work experience
  • Master or Bachelor degree
  • be well organised, accurate and flexible
  • willing to become a high-end specialist in recruitment services


Crossover: Inside Sales Manager $250K https://www.apliko.info/crossover-inside-sales-manager-250k/ Sat, 02 Dec 2017 16:41:15 +0000 https://www.apliko.info/?p=1408

The Inside Sales Manageris responsible for the development and business results of a global team quota-carrying Inside Sales Representatives. Each Inside Sales Representative is responsible for maintaining high activity standards, daily prospecting, pipeline growth, prospect qualification, adherence to Aurea sales methodology and delivering assigned monthly sales revenue targets. The right Sales Leader for this position must have the proven ability to increase the productivity of sales representatives through skill development, adherence to activity standards, providing inspiration, rapid conflict resolution and building a highly empowered, constructive Sales Culture.

The Company

Crossover is partnering with ESW (Enterprise Software) Capital to fill multiple Head of Product Strategy positions. Based in Austin, Texas, ESW Capital is a privately-held, family office that has been in enterprise software since 1988 and that has a finely-tuned methodology focused on buying,
strengthening, and growing mature business software companies. By taking advantage of its unique operating and development platforms, ESW Capital revitalizes its acquisitions for sustainable growth while making customer success a top priority. The ESW Capital family includes notable brands such as Aurea, Ignite Technologies, GFI and Trilogy. All ESW Capital companies benefit from a global workforce that is sourced and managed by Crossover, with a focus on productivity that is rivaled only by companies like Amazon.

Job Description

  • Results-Oriented: Meet and exceed assigned monthly, quarterly and annual sales revenue and productivity targets assigned.
  • Customer Success: Ensure consistent delivery of hyper focus on our customers being successful. It starts with the initial contact with Aurea. Impart accurate information within team, ensure setting of realistic customer expectations and take responsibility for quick and effective hand-offs with other Aurea teams (Onboarding, Support and Professional Services).
  • Staffing: Accepts responsibility for the monthly revenue production of the sales headcount assigned. In the event of turnover, managers understands that replacement personnel must already be hired, trained and ready to perform. (Always Be Hiring)
  • Team Development: Monitor and track Sales Representatives individual performance, strengths and weaknesses, and be able to clearly communicate evaluations and execute developmental steps (Performance Improvement Plans). Coach, develop, and mentor Sales Representatives to drive continuous improvement in sales skills and product knowledge.
  • Manage Activities: Ensure activity standards are being delivered per representative. Demonstrate clear ability to correlate activity standards with Business Results. Ensure use of Salesforce.com and accuracy of metrics.
  • Role Model and Coach: Sales Leader must be the most effective and skilled sales resource on the team. Ability to teach sales skills and track record of exceeding annual sales objectives are fundamental requirements.
  • Collaboration: Work with other Aurea business functions to improve ability to improve return on marketing spend, evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing spend, ensure effective customer hand-offs to Support function and improve the effectiveness of cross-functional processes.
  • Training: Work with Aurea Director of Sales Operations to identify, prepare and execute incremental sales skills and Aurea Director of Product Training in order to improve close ratios, increase productivity, product knowledge, and quality conversations.
  • Forecasting: Must be able to confidently predict monthly/quarterly/annual sales bookings utilizing pipeline management for each Sales Representative. Must commit and take responsibility for the accuracy and achievement of the sales forecast.
  • Reporting: Verify daily results, productivity measures, and assist with commission tracking.
  • Process Improvement: Interface with various groups with Aurea to help improve the overall sales process as well as drive the strategic initiatives of the Sales group.
  • Communication: Meets with each sales representative individually for at least 1 hour month to review previous month’s results, lessons learned and areas for improvement. Uses this opportunity to coach sales representative to increase results for next 30 days. Executes team meeting weekly.
  • Recognition & Reward: Candidate expected to understand the motivations and goals of each sales representative assigned. Manager demonstrates understanding of how to motivate employees for their reasons and understanding of how to manage a recognition and reward program for their team.
  • Performance Management: Coach lowest performers for improvement and replace those that do not respond.
  • Directly Involved: Spends majority of time on calls with Sales Representatives identifying areas of opportunity and coaching.
  • Spirit of Intent: Understanding of the essential role of Management is to deliver business results through people. Candidates must understand that Sales Representatives are their customer and their responsibility. Manager understands the responsibility of knowing and demonstrating the key values of Aurea in everything that he/she does.

Qualifications (Minimum Experience, Training Or Skills)

  • 3+ years of high performance Inside Sales Management experience in a SaaS, Networking, Hosting, or Cloud environment.
  • 4+ years of high performance Inside Sales individual contributor performance in a SaaS, Networking, Hosting, Cloud or Telecommunications environment.
  • Proven track record of achieving measurable business results goals in a high transaction Sales environment. Must demonstrate history of quantifiable success.
  • Proven track ability to understand and act on information contained within a daily, metric-intense organization.
  • Experience in creating constructive working relationships amongst departments.
  • Experience in a fast-paced, high growth business environment.
  • Excellent interpersonal, verbal, written and organization skills.
  • Proficient in SalesForce.com, MS Word, MS Excel.
  • Sales team hours can start as early as 5AM for the East Coast and as late as 9AM for the West Coast. Manager may be required to be “on call” from time to time before or after Manager’s core hours to assist their teams.


Compensation is $125/hour for 40 productive hours/week

To qualify, please provide a resume/CV demonstrating the required experience and skills. From there, to help us find the top 1% of talent, there will be a series of written interview questions, where we literally invite selected candidates to do the first round interview in writing, and online skills examinations. We realize these are challenging requirements that require an investment of your time, so we thank you in advance for your efforts.

Crossover is redefining the way people work. A future where all high-skill jobs go to the cloud and big-data is used to help individuals and teams become more and more productive. Brick and mortar offices are history. The future of our workforce is global and will be built from teams collaborating from every corner of the world. We have embarked on an expedition to find and engage with that talent and are now in over 108 different countries. Crossover has developed a unique method of finding, curating, and managing cloud talent. Our platform connects customers to the world’s best people for both technical and non-technical jobs. But we don’t just find the best, we also provide the tools, training, and relationship building support to ensure success for long term growth.

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